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We will cover the parameter types that don't fit in other thematics in this tutorial. For all the examples, we assume that the file is called and has a section like the following at the end.

if __name__ == '__main__':


For windows users, instead of using simple quotes for the following examples related to list parameters, you should use double quotes.


Validates that a string is a valid JSON statement and returns a dict.

import click
from click_params import JSON

@click.option('-j', '--json', 'value', type=JSON)
def cli(value):
    click.echo(f'Your fruits and vegetables: {value}')
$ python -j '{"fruits": ["apples", "strawberries"], "vegetables": ["tomatoes", "cucumbers"]}'
Your fruits and vegetables: {'fruits': ['apples', 'strawberries'], 'vegetables': ['tomatoes', 'cucumbers']}

$ python -j a
Error: 'a' is not a valid json string


Validates that a string is a valid mac address.

import click
from click_params import MAC_ADDRESS

@click.option('-m', '--mac-address', 'value', type=MAC_ADDRESS)
def cli(mac_address):
    click.echo(f'Your mac address is: {mac_address}')
$ python -m 01:23:45:67:AB:CD
Your mac address is 01:23:45:67:AB:CD

$ python -m 00:00:00:00:00
Error: 00:00:00:00:00 is not a valid mac address


Signature: MacAddressListParamType(separator: str = ',', ignore_empty: bool = False)

Validates and returns a list of mac addresses

import click
from click_params import MacAddressListParamType

@click.option('-m', '--mac-addresses', type=MacAddressListParamType(' '),
 help='list of mac addresses separated by a white space')
def cli(mac_addresses):
    click.echo('Your list of mac addresses:')
    for mac_address in mac_addresses:
        click.echo(f'- {mac_address}')
$ python --mac-addresses='00:00:00:00:00:00 01:23:45:67:AB:CD'
Your list of domain names:
- 00:00:00:00:00:00
- 01:23:45:67:AB:CD

$ python --mac-addresses='foo 01:23:45:67:AB:CD'
Error: These items are not mac addresses: ['foo']


Signature: StringListParamType(separator: str = ',', ignore_empty: bool = False)

Converts given string to a list of strings.

import click
from click_params import StringListParamType

@click.option('-f', '--fruits', type=StringListParamType(' '),
 help='list of fruits separated by a white space')
def cli(fruits):
    click.echo('Your list of preferred fruits:')
    for fruit in fruits:
        click.echo(f'- {fruit}')
$ python --fruits='apples pineaples strawberries'
Your list of preferred fruits:
- apples
- pineapples
- strawberries


Signature: UUIDListParamType(separator: str = ',', ignore_empty: bool = False)

Converts string to a list of uuid.UUID objects.

import click
from click_params import UUIDListParamType

@click.option('-u', '--uuid-list', type=UUIDListParamType(' '))
def cli(uuid_list):
    click.echo('Your list of uuid is:')
    for uuid in uuid_list:
        click.echo(f'- {uuid}')
$ python --uuid-list='a7309d0b-c858-4d54-b6e1-1c20f8c22047 bfa65f3c-e6ac-4844-8e09-e84535f8cdc5'
Your list of uuid is:
- a7309d0b-c858-4d54-b6e1-1c20f8c22047
- bfa65f3c-e6ac-4844-8e09-e84535f8cdc5

$ python --uuid-list='452-45 bfa65f3c-e6ac-4844-8e09-e84535f8cdc5 410'
Error: These items are not uuid: ['452-45', '410']


Signature: DateTimeParamListType(separator: str = ',', ignore_empty: bool = False, formats: List[str] = None)

Converts string to a list of datetime.datetime objects. Unlike other classes, this class has a formats parameter that is exactly the same as the one passed to the constructor of click.DateTime class.

import click
from click_params import DateTimeListParamType

@click.option('-d', '--datetimes', type=DateTimeListParamType(', '))
def cli(datetimes):
    click.echo('The dates your entered are:')
    for datetime in datetimes:
        click.echo(f'- {datetime}')
$ python --datetimes='2018-04-05, 2019-01-01 01:00:00'
The dates your entered are:
- 2018-04-05 00:00:00
- 2019-01-01 01:00:00

$ python --datetimes='2019/01/01, 2019-01-01'
Error: These items are not datetimes: ['2019/01/01']

Two remarks compared to the last script.

  • The separator used for the previous command is ', '. This come in handy because one of the datetime passed as option has a whitespace, therefore the separator helps to split properly.
  • In the last example the datetime 2019/01/01 fails because the format %Y/%m/%d is not one of the defaults used by click.DateTime. If you want this datetime to be accepted, you need to provide a formats argument with the appropriate formats.


Signature: FirstOf(*param_types: click.ParamType, name: Optional[str] = None, return_param: bool = False)

Allows an option or an argument to accept at least two kinds of types.

  • name is used as a custom name. If none is specified, a set union (param1 | param2) is used as name.
  • with return_param the FirstOf will return the parameter used for conversion alongside the result, as a tuple (param, value). This allows for logic in a command to check which conversion was used in case there are differences in handling, especially differences in the param_types return types.
import click
from click_params import FirstOf

@click.option('-j', '--jobs', type=FirstOf(click.Choice(['half', 'all']), click.INT, name="cores number"))
def cli(jobs):
    click.echo('Running on {jobs} cores!'.format(jobs=jobs))
$ python -j 5
Running on 5 cores

$ python -j all
Running on all cores

$ python -j 2.5
Error: Invalid value for '-j' / '--jobs': All possible options exhausted without any successful conversion:
 - CHOICE: '2.5' is not one of 'half', 'all'.
 - INTEGER: '2.5' is not a valid integer.

$ python -j third
Error: Invalid value for '-j' / '--jobs': All possible options exhausted without any successful conversion:
 - CHOICE: 'third' is not one of 'half', 'all'.
 - INTEGER: 'third' is not a valid integer.

Two remarks compared to the last script.

  • The order of parameter types in the union is the order click will try to parse the value.